Our Michiko WG136 - Europe's best heifer!
According to the Australian Herdbook, our Michiko WG136 is the top rated breeding heifer here in Europe! With her SRI of +$ 275 and a WBI of +$ 286 she is in the top 1% range of this herdbook. Her sire is the top producer Sumo Cattle CO Michifuku F154 - a bull with very good carcass weight, marbling and fineness of marbling. The dam-sire is Echigo Farms Maifuku, who brings milk and a super big RibEye to the mating. Furthermore, Terutani, Hikohime, Hirashigetayasu and Itomoritaka can be found in the pedigree. This leads to a very nice balance of breeding values.
We are very happy to have such a great animal in our stable. Soon we will hopefully have embryos from very interesting matings. Interested breeders are welcome to contact us.
By the way, she also has two other half sisters (sire is also Sumo Cattle CO Michifuku F154) that are in the top 10% at SRI. These are also of flush age.
Top bulls for matings with these animals are Miku Mammut, Mayura L0010, Mr. Marble and Miku Maestro.